Your pet's physical and emotional well-being as well as safety are our top priority; that's why we adhere to the following policies while they are in our care:
Fear-inducing or punishment-based treatment, training, or tools WILL NOT be used including:
Prong, choke or remote shock collars​
Spray bottles (typically used to deter behaviors)
Verbal and/or physical scolding
Rather, fear-free and positive reinforcement tools will be used to ensure a happy and healthy relationship between us and your animals.
Should your pet require veterinary treatment of any kind, you will be notified immediately and we will obtain veterinary care at their routine office (or emergency facility during off hours).
Your dog will remain leashed outdoors at all times, with the exception of fenced personal property. ​
Cats will remain indoors unless safely-gated designated outdoor space on personal property is available to them.
We do not allow introductions to new dogs on walks, or visit dog parks.
Retractable leashes will not be used to avoid injury to us and/or your pets.
We closely monitor weather and adjust care as-needed (this includes altering duration of outdoor time, dressing your pet in protective gear, monitoring your pet closely in extreme temperatures, etc.).
Treats, chews or toys that are considered hazardous will not be given to your pet while in our care. This includes (but not limited to): treats that cause upset stomach, rawhides or any chews or toys that can potentially be lodged when swallowed or become sharp with chewing.
​We are not available for overnight stays while work is being done within the home by other parties (that is non-emergent, such as maintenance, improvements, repairs, etc., with the exception of housekeeping). ​
**Additional policies indicated on client agreement upon meet-and-greet.
The following links provide professional studies and information to promote health, as well as mental and physical wellness for your pets during several stages of their lives.
Click the images below for more info!